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How to Build a "Best of Breed" Cloud Collaboration
Can't Travel? Join us on a virtual RoadMap.

MadWolf Technologies, is pleased to invite you and your colleagues to virtually join us on a RoadMap on our Three-Part Series:  Doing Business in the Cloud- Ain’t no Business like the Cloud Business.
You might want to sing up to one, two or all three online presentations. Please register for any or all of these three, free 30 minutes virtual presentations.

In this session we will be covering questions such as:
  • •Are you in the Cloud now?  Are you tracking to see if you are saving money on infrastructure and administration?
  • •Are your teams recognizing that collaboration services are now available anytime and anywhere?
  • •Are you ready to truly collaborate?
  • •What does “collaboration” really mean?
  • •Do you need a way to keep your cloud collaboration environment secure?
  • •Who are the players and what is the roadmap moving forward for cloud collaboration?
Bring your questions, your stories to share, and together let’s collaborate on what it means to collaborate in the cloud, together!

Save your spot for our online presentation and “Stay Productive When Working Remotely"

REGISTER & RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW by filling out and submitting the form on the right!