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Can't Travel? Join us on a virtual RoadMap.

MadWolf Technologies, is pleased to invite you and your colleagues to virtually join us on a RoadMap on our Three-Part Series:  Doing Business in the Cloud- Ain’t no Business like the Cloud Business.
You might want to sing up to one, two or all three online presentations. Please register for any or all of these three, free 30 minutes virtual presentations.

  • • Days are gone when a business just needed a T1 to get by. We plan to explore use of multi-vendor solutions and how to effectively build a SDWAN in a cost effective way.
  • • With the move to more business systems offsite and an increase in the call for collaboration, systems need to perform flawlessly for in-house and remote staff as well as for stakeholders, customers and prospects.  Keep factors to consider in buying a platform that works with your applications/databases/email environments crucial. We will explore the best and most effective ways to do this.
  • • Cost creep and over charging is common with phone and ISPs.  Let us show you techniques for trimming these down. 

Save your spot for our online presentation and “Stay Productive When Working Remotely"

REGISTER & RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW by filling out and submitting the form on the right!