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Actionable Messages

Did you know that by using two common Nintex actions, you can create something really useful?  Well, I am going to demonstrate how to create Actionable Messages from two common Nintex features; a task action and lazy approval.

1.Drag and drop the task action of your choice to the workflow canvas. 

2.You will want to configure it with a few outcomes (these will become your buttons in your Actionable Message).  

3.Now, select the Allow LazyApproval checkbox.  You will see a new option available to you: Delivery Method.  

4.We have a number of options for Actionable Messagesavailable to us here:
a.Email Only – Do you still want LazyApproval, but no Actionable Message?  This is the selection to choose
b.Email with Actionable Message – This will show all the email text with the Actionable Message window on top
c.Actionalble Message only – This will display only the Actionable Message

5.Take notice of the Task ID variable option.  If you want to use the Query list against the Workflow Tasks list and retreive the Comments value based on the Task ID, you will need this.

6.Now we can save this workflow.
The example that I am going to use to demonstrate Actionable Messages is a hazard reporting workflow, which will initiate a task based on a risk matrix.  If the task is considered Low Risk, an investigation task is started and take any necessary action.  An email received by the safety department, with Actionable Message configured, is shown below.  The Actionable Message is highlighted in red:

In this instance, the hazard was investigated, but no action was required.  Now we will fill in this section and select No action required

Now, both the response and the comments are captured and updated in the Workflow Tasks list for this task.  You can then use the Query List action, based on the Task ID, if you need the Comments pulled back into a response email.  For example:

This feature is available for Nintex on premises and for Nintex Workflow for Office 365

Requirements for Actionable Messages
