Santos Arellano / Tuesday, October 29, 2019 / Categories: Contact Form Selections, Security Rubric, Specialty Services, Security Rubric MadWolf Technologies Security Rubric SECURITY RUBRIC (TM) and with emphasis on: EndPoint Protection, PLUS + CRISIS STRATEGY & COMMUNICATION Do you have a crisis plan? Is your organization ready for a truly disruptive public event – like a data breach? We would love to discuss with you the best practices around crisis communication and what you can do to be ready. Security Today requires more than a Technical Solution That’s why we have developed our Rubric as an evolving standard by which to measure success. The items below represent a full matrix of coverage offered by MadWolf Technologies. Let us know what’s applicable to your organization. WEB/EMAIL EXPLOIT PROTECTION Identify and stop exploits before they reach your staff, constituents and customers. DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT Control and track rights and access to documents - even local documents. We can show you how to time bomb encrypt. NETWORK ENCRYPTION Know where and when it is advisable to have your data encrypted: At rest? In transit? On backup? On Endpoints? INTRUSION DETECTION Every network has a unique health profile; intrusion detection occurs when a variant is introduced that alters that profile. USER TRAINING & EVALUATION IT can build as tight a defense as possible, but your staff need to be trained, drilled, evaluated and rewarded for following best practice. INTERNAL SECURITY COMPLIANCE MANUAL Tools to develop and maintain an industry specific compliancy manual that is electronically signed by all required parties PENETRATION TESTING White Hat Service that probes your systems for weakness – and offers solutions to button it up ENDPOINT PROTECTION Remotely and securely control, backup and delete data on mobile devices. Plug the leaks even on BYOD(s). VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS White Hat operations on the inside of your network. This is where most major exploits occur. Print 12341