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News from and about MadWolf Technologies
Joel Rollins

Office 365 Backups

We now have our Office 365 being backed up by Carbonite which will allow us to shortly move forward with migrating the rest of our On-Prem email to Exchange Online.

As some of you may know, MadWolf has been looking for a good Office 365 backup solution and recently we have decided that Carbonite does every thing that entrprise grade solution should offer including granular and full-fidelity restore.  Carbonite's solution can restore content to mailboxes, sites, OneDrive or Groups and not just it's original location.  With Carbonite we can also perform security rollbacks of unintended permission changes.

For more informaiton check out this white paper on Carbonite's Office 365 Backup Solution

FYI. Carbonite Backup for our O365 creds are now in Ocular. For those that want to learn the setup process there is a 39 minute video of how to do it.
