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News from and about MadWolf Technologies
Teams Co-Organizer Role

Teams Co-Organizer Role

Organizers will soon be able to assign the co-organizer meeting role to up to 10 specific people they invite to their meeting.

Co-organizers will be granted most of the capabilities of the organizer in the meeting, including being able to access & modify the meeting options for the meeting.  The co-organizer role for a meeting is purely optional.

Once this feature has been enabled, a “Choose co-organizers” meeting option will be available. The default value for this option is “None.” The option operates similarly to when “Specific people” are selected as presenters for the meeting. The meeting organizer can click on the selector box to open a dropdown menu where they can choose from the list of qualified people who have been invited to the meeting.

Co-organizers can do the following:
  • Access and change meeting options
  • Bypass the lobby
  • Admit people from the lobby during a meeting
  • Lock the meeting
  • Present content
  • Change another participant’s meeting role
  • End the meeting for all
Co-organizers cannot do the following:
  • Create & manage breakout rooms
  • View & download attendance reports
  • Manage the meeting recording
  • Edit the meeting invitation
  • Remove or change the Organizer role
Look for this feature to begin rolling out in mid-June and complete by the end of June.

Contact us to learn more: 
202.293.5003 x4 
