The Strangest Exchange
For all of my Exchange admins and engineers that toil daily on maintaining their Exchange organizations, do you ever find yourself cringing at the thought of performing a service pack, update rollup or cumulative update for your Exchange servers?
I have been an Exchange admin going back to Exchange 4.5 (yes I am dating myself), and there are not too many things that make the hair on my neck stand on end than updating Exchange.
So, with experience comes patience, and with patience comes being responsible. The last blog I wrote, I stressed the importance of having a good backup. If there’s ever a more important time to verify you have a good backup, ensuring you have a good backup of your Exchange server prior to breaking it… I mean applying a service pack, update rollup or CU, it is before you update.
MadWolf as an MSP with over 20 years experience in fixing the broken Exchange environment, maintaining the healthy Exchange environment, and migrating the healthy Exchange environment to cloud services like Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Online takes nothing for granted when it comes to Exchange organizations at any level.
On a sidebar Exchange admins… when was the last time you did an offline mailbox database defrag and repair? For those of you that have done this in the past 6 months, I applaud you for your paranoia of a corrupt Exchange database. For those of you that haven’t… well you can always give MadWolf a shout /wink