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User Profiles in Office 365 Simplified

As Nintex workflow creators, we are always looking for easier ways to perform everyday tasks. In this post, I will share what Nintex has provided to simply the implementation of user profile properties in Nintex forms.

User profiles properties allow you to reference and use different properties with forms to help users submit information relevant to the form.  Nintex has provided a sample form with sample profile properties included.  This form will show how the formulas are written and implemented.

The use the form attachment follow these steps:

  1. Download the attachment and rename it to just the .nfp extension
  2. Navigate to your Office 365 Site and create a new List (App)
  3. In the list, open up the Nintex Forms Designer and choose “Responsive”
  4. Click import and select the form file you downloaded
  5. Once the form is uploaded, select preview to see the form in action

The sample form has two different view available

  • Current User Profile Properties
  • People Picker Profile Properties

The preview mode will allow you to toggle back and forth between the two views.  Select the different properties on the form to see how the formulas are implemented to retrieve that selection’s information.  For example: 

The user ProfileLookup function is available with the Calculated Control and is under the Runtime Functions. 

Here is an example formula to display the current user’s work email
userProfileLookup(replace({Common:CurrentUserEmail},".*\\|", ""), "WorkEmail")
