Major Improvements for Teams
Major Improvements for Teams
Joel Rollins

Major Improvements for Teams

Breakout Room Managers!

Do you love the idea of Breakout Rooms, but wished you had more flexibility on manage those rooms?  Well, you are in luck.  Microsoft is introducing exciting new features in the coming weeks.

It was late in December 2020 when Microsoft first introduced Breakout Rooms for Teams.  Since then, Microsoft has been steadily improving the available features. One feature that users have been asking for is coming soon, and that is the ability to assign a user to manage a Breakout Room.  Microsoft has now announced that coming in late September 2021, Team will have an available toggle button in the Breakout Room settings to enable organizers to add presenters and managers. In a statement from Microsoft, they said “By taking control from Breakout rooms management panel, appointed presenters will be allowed to perform Breakout room operations as manager or meeting organizer

The Breakout Room managers will also be able to add and delete rooms, assign users to rooms, set timers, and make announcements.  The full list is below:
  • Bulk creating / deleting rooms
  • Adding / deleting / renaming individual rooms
  • Configuring meeting options for each room
  • Adjusting settings for breakout rooms session (timer, selecting breakout rooms managers and more)
  • Pre-assigning participants via both manual and automatic assignment options
  • Selecting breakout rooms managers (only explicitly invited presenters are available for assignment as breakout rooms managers)

At this time, this feature will only be available in the desktop version of Teams and Only in-tenant users.  This feature is not supported on mobile.
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