Queue View in Microsoft Teams Bookings app
Bookings app in Teams enables various organizations to schedule virtual appointments with external attendees and manages staff availabilities in a shared calendar experience.
Microsoft is updating the Bookings service to add a new tab called Queue. This new Queue tab will enable schedulers to have a consolidated view of all the appointments for any given day.
The Queue tab will support real time updates to meeting state for virtual visits scheduled in the Microsoft Bookings app.
Queue tab will include the following capabilities:
- A consolidated view of all appointments for the day in chronological order
- Ability to Join Meeting from the Bookings queue view
- Ability to view real-time ‘appointment state’ in the queue view
- Send Email reminders to the end user/participant and staff
- Send SMS reminder to the end user/participant (USA/Canada only)
- Ability to edit the appointment status
- Filter the appointments based on staff
- View the queue for previous and future dates.
- Enable staff to self-serve on a busy day by reassigning appointments to themselves to help balance the load on one staff or on one service.
General availability will begin rolling out in mid-January and expect to complete rollout late January.
Contact us to learn more:
202.293.5003 x4