
Greater Security at Lower Cost with the Expertise and Power of Microsoft Security Solutions.

Securely harness the power of the cloud with Azure Advanced Threat Protection. This infographic outlines how your organization can trust Azure Advanced Threat Protection as it provides real-time security at enterprise scale, detect threats quickly, and allows your organization to stay focused on what’s important.

Contact your Microsoft Partner to learn more... 

Contact us: 202.293.5003 x4

MadWolf Technologies Proud Sponsor of RESULTS International Second Virtual Conference : June 12-13, 2021

RESULTS International Conference June 12-13, 2021
Each summer Results hosts a weekend of learning, action, and connecting with advocates across the country and around the globe.

From June 12-13, 2021, Results will have a special virtual, digital program followed by a week of advocacy, with coordinated, powerful advocacy meetings with members of Congress. A growing list of sessions.

MadWolf Technologies
Contact us: 202.293.5003 x4

Protect against cybersecurity threats with Microsoft 365

We get it. You're busy. You need to focus on your business and don't have time to be hindered by cybersecurity threats. Lucky for you, Microsoft 365 Business provides robust security solutions with comprehensive external threat protection and internal data leak prevention. With our Microsoft 365 Business solutions, you can make sure that nothing stands in the way of your company's safety. Check out this infographic for a quick view of industry trends, pain points, proof points, and more on why you should upgrade to Microsoft 365 Business.

Contact us: 202.293.5003 x4
Phone:202.293.5003    Sales:202.293.5003 x4   info@madwolf.com