
Yips and Yelps

2021 is here!!!

ARC WebApp Maintenance Agreement Signed: Work will start on a new web application enhancements for their ARCNet system.

EDF Migration Beginning: MWT will start migrating the OneDrive content for Elizabeth Dole Foundation during the month of January.

MWT Employee Handbook Updated:  Prior to the end of 2020, MWT Staff received a notification to acknowledge that they have received and reviewed the latest version of the Employee Handbook.  Everyone appears to have acknowledged.  Keep those time sheet up to date EVERY DAY!

Trimming the fat!  Are there services or expenses that seem unnecesary and should be considered for cancellation by MWT?  Or maybe you want to make sure that something DOESN'T go away!  Let Doug know!

Customer Story: Clifton Coffee Recap

From the start, leaders at Clifton Coffee Roasters (CCR) knew they wanted to go beyond just roasting coffee. They wanted to empower other coffee companies to succeed. Now they provide technical support, delivery service, and back-of-house training to coffee shops across the UK, in addition to providing all of the products needed to run a coffee company. But it wasn't always that way. In the company's early days, the team had a difficult time coming together, with employees scattered across the UK and no reliable means to connect them. Once they adopted a teamwork solution to improve internal communication, teamwork became easy and the business took off. The rest is history. Want to take cues from CCR's teamwork game? Contact us for help getting started.
Contact us: 202.293.5003 x4

Customer story: Presentation Studio

Sydney-based company Presentation Studio specializes in writing and designing sleek, professional presentations across the Asia-Pacific region. As the company expanded in proportion to the demand for its product, company leaders at Presentation Studio knew they needed to upgrade to a secure, cloud-based platform, so they partnered with Microsoft 365. They are using productivity and collaboration tools that allow employees to work remotely and work together across a multitude of apps and devices, plus enterprise-grade security features keep sensitive data safe from cyberattacks.

Contact us: 202.293.5003 x4
Phone:202.293.5003    Sales:202.293.5003 x4   info@madwolf.com