Delon Hampton Works With MadWolf On New Website - Using DotNetNuke To Create Easy To Manage Site
Delon Hampton & Associates, Chartered (DHA) is a professional engineering consulting firm specializing in civil and structural design and program/construction management services, with their headquarters in Washington, DC.
Delon Hampton's original website was built upon older technology and did not provide the flexible layouts or functions that Delon Hampton required for their new website. MadWolf Technologies recommended the use of the open source content management system DotNetNuke for the new site. (see Delon Hampton's new website).
Using a modern system such as DotNetNuke, built upon Microsoft's .NET platform and Microsoft's SQL Server, will provide Delon Hampton with a flexible, extensible and easy to work with code base.
The new website was skinned or themed using a clean and modern layout. The new logo provided by Delon Hampton emphasizes their identity (corporate name recognition) and was provided to MadWolf for the new site.
The home page starts off with a "sliding" banner providing Delon Hampton with a great way to "showcase" a variety of projects with high impact images, easy to customize text and links.
DotNetNuke is a flexible and modular approach to adding in functions and features. The new site takes full use of modules such as HTML, Video Players (YouTube), Rapid Application Tools (DotNetMushroom), Dream Slider, Google Maps, and Custom Forms.