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NCPSSM - New Websites

The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) has a HTML / PHP / WordPress “advocacy” website at, an HTML “mobile” limited version of the “advocacy” site at, and the Foundation HTML website at  And NCPSSM has devoted a specific section of the current advocacy website to blogging under its “Entitled To Know” section, which is 100% WordPress driven.

MadWolf Technologies (MadWolf) recommends that the DotNetNuke (DNN) Content Management System (CMS) be used for the new versions of the two primary sites. 

At a very high level overview, this project will recreate the current site content within the DNN CMS.  In the diagram below, the advocacy site is presented at a top level view depicting the various elements found based on the home page of the site.   The use of powerful graphics, time messages, “call to actions”, clearly identified sources of information, and easy to locate and use “Join” and “Donate” functions.  In essence, MadWolf will recreate all three sites using DNN, with new and fresh design approaches all within a powerful, flexible and easy to use Content Management System.

NCPSSM has expressed these specific goals for this project:

  • A more consistent page layout;
  • Easier use of email lists and newsletters;
  • Increase user interaction;
  • Promote a stronger “advocacy” outreach via the advocacy site;
  • A more consistent branding and marketing message vehicle between all efforts of the Committee;
  • A design that is fresher, more modern and more appealing to their target audiences;
  • An advocacy site that focuses on member retention and recruitment;
  • A site that easily relates to today’s “baby boomer” generation, and is serious and reliable;
  • The use of “site close out” surveys; and,
  • Maintain the site as a source of information to the Press and legislators.

MadWolf views DNN as a powerful tool for advancing clients’ corporate objectives and web-enabling business processes, and has placed it at the center of our Website Development practice for many years.  Additional benefits to the usage of DNN include:

Easy to use – The DotNetNuke content management system (CMS) makes it easy for administrators, content editors, developers, and designers to manage all aspects of their web assets. Wizards, content-sensitive help, and a powerful user interface provide a smooth user experience.
Feature-rich – DotNetNuke comes with a set of built-in features that provide exceptional functionality.  Site hosting, web design, content management, security, and membership options are all easily managed and customized through simple, browser-based tools.
Leading-edge – The DotNetNuke web content management platform gives developers the opportunity to leverage best-practice software development concepts and leading-edge technologies like ASP.NET, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Windows Server, and IIS.
Recognized – The DotNetNuke web CMS is widely recognized and respected in the open source community. Hundreds of thousands of production web sites are built on the DotNetNuke platform. DotNetNuke Corp. and DotNetNuke community members continue to evolve the software through rigorous development, testing, community participation, real world trials, and end user feedback.
MadWolf has identified another fourteen advanced modules that will increase the user friendliness of the site.  These modules include:

1. Postcard Manager.
2. URL Master.
3. Newsletter System.
4. Content Rotator.
5. FAQ.
6. Custom Forms.
7. Blogging.
8. Maps.
9. Event Calendar.
11.Media Gallery.
12.Advanced Search.
13.Banner Management.
14.Mobile Page Management.


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