
Deploy and protect endpoints for hybrid work environments

Digital transformation is accelerating and keeping up with advancements adds complexity for workers, technology, and security teams. With an ever-expanding attack surface, leaders are challenged to manage a growing number of devices and endpoints. Meet the evolving needs of today's business world with modern endpoints built on the Microsoft 365 and intelligent security cloud. You can build security into apps and device experiences that help reduce the threat of endpoint vulnerability, including adoption of Zero Trust and Secure Endpoints for Frontline workforce devices. Sign up to say connected—we'll help you learn more about how to deploy and protect endpoints for hybrid work environments.

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202.293.5003 x4

The new normal: Hybrid work means greater focus on endpoint security

We used to think of network security as a perimeter issue, but with so many endpoints, the perimeter no longer exists. Employees now work from various locations using different devices, making it is close to impossible for any single IT team to confirm that they're using protection mechanisms. Employees require safe, versatile endpoint experiences to perform at their best from anywhere in the world. How can organizations protect themselves? Endpoint security seeks out viruses, malware, and other risks and, if it finds them, it works to mitigate the risk to the rest of the network by keeping it locked down.

Contact us to learn more: 
202.293.5003 x4

Security and privacy with an integrated portfolio of cloud services

Businesses rely on cloud transformation for the stability and agility it offers to their operations. Microsoft 365 enables this transformation by realizing modern work environments where users are productive and secure while working from anywhere. Secure your business with technology you can trust, ensure only the right users have access without affecting productivity, and protect your data through security best practices and easy-to-use policies that prevent accidental data leaks. Sign up to say connected—we'll help you learn more about making the transition to the cloud and into a more secure environment.

How To Share Files Securely using MS Teams

Microsoft Teams has quickly become one of Microsoft’s most popular applications.  This is not surprising how versatile the app is.  One of the main features of Teams is the ability to share and manage files. These days, security is even more of a priority, it is even more important to know how to share files securely in Teams and help your organization to protect sensitive data.
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