
Who Loves the Holidays More? Santa or Attackers?

Note From Santa!

As we approach the core of the 2021 Holiday season, we should all be on red alert for new attempts by malicious attackers to compromise our infrastructures and data. A recent alert by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency informs us that attackers are ready to pounce, particularly when we are distracted by the holidays. We've seen it before, and chances are this Holiday season will see an unprecedented amount of new and varied exploits and attacks, particularly in aftermath of the Log4J vulnerability disclosure. 

To Make Hybrid Work, Solicit Employees' Input

Driven by the state of the world today, more companies are committing to hybrid work. But how do you build out the model in a way that's right for your business and those who are conducting it? Simple: Talk to employees to tailor the program to their specific needs. Easier said than done? Learn what questions to ask and scenarios to consider, and then maintain flexibility so you can quickly pivot if necessary.

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